recommended way to go about using web sockets w/ C...
# box-products
recommended way to go about using web sockets w/ ColdBox? I saw the REST-over-STOMP, but wasn't sure if that's The Way or if I should just use the raw CF capabilities, documented-ish here:
@mithlond The REST over STOMP project isn't really a "generic way to do websockets with ColdBox". it's more a purpose built library for doing a very specific type of remote invocation of ColdBox events and using websockets to do it-- specifically using RabbitMQ's WebStomp plugin.
If you're using Lucee, there IS no built in web socket function so you pretty much have to use another library (and I've really found RabbitMQ's web stomp stuff to be excellent)
If you're on Adobe CF, then the built in stuff works fine so far as I know, but it's quite a different paradigm than what I'm doing with rabbit which is married to a message queue.
Generally speaking, ColdBox itself has no proper integration with websockets. You can just use whatever you'd use for any other CF app.
awesome - thanks!