Having some trouble getting a Lucee commandbox app...
# box-products
Having some trouble getting a Lucee commandbox application to work with MySQL 8.0.28, hosted on the same server. Web pages and Datasource validation in the administrator are showing me "Public Key Retrieval is not allowed"
box migrate up
is throwing the following:
Copy code
ERROR (5.4.2+00453)

The OSGi Bundle with name [com.mysql.cj] is not available in version [8.0.28] locally (/home/user/.CommandBox/engine/cfml/cli/lucee-server/bundles) or from the update provider (<http://release.lucee.org>), the following versions are available locally [8.0.15, 8.0.19, 8.0.15].
  caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException
I've put the
I'll put my box.json and .cfonfig.json in a thread Can anyone help with either of these errors? (or hopefully, both in one go)
cfconfig datasource object:
Copy code
cfmigrations from box.json
Copy code
            "bundleName": "com.mysql.cj",
            "bundleVersion": "8.0.28",
I needed to drop the mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar into the CommandBox/engine/cfml/lucee-server/bundles folder as well as Commandbox/lib, that fixed the OSGI bundle error
👍🏼 1