we're upgrading from CF10 to CF2021 (not married t...
# adobe
we're upgrading from CF10 to CF2021 (not married to 2021, coudl revert) but have a legacy air app that leverages AMF/flex2gateway. I'm 99% sure this is the flex remoting feature listed as retired https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/deprecated-features.html but wondering if it MAY be the "flex integration" listed as removed. 2 questions: 1. does anyone know what these features are or where they are described (Google has failed me) so i can know which one i need for flex2gateway 2. does anyone know of a doc/article that describes how to unretire flex2gateway in recent CF versions?
IF it's still there, you'd likely need to re-add the web.xml servlet mappings.
I'd check the
and see if there are any commented out refernces
I'm honestly not sure if they just disabled the mappings by default or if they actually 100% removed the functionality.
but if it's there and just commented out, the
is where you'd find it
yeah i can def try to hack it, i was more looking for the official docs
i don't think it's JUST web.xml though
but it's all 2018
I don't know that it's "hacking it" per se. I assume any official docs are just going to tell you to uncomment stuff as well. I just don't know where any official docs would be. I'd say this is a great question for @priyank_adobe or @Mark Takata (Adobe) to help out with 🙂
taking hacks at parts of the problem till you knock it down is hacking it
kinda wanna know the whole picture
Right, which is why I told you to go look in that file. The web.xml has historically had comment blocks explaining certain functionality that may be off by default. I figured it would be a good starting place.
ah, didn't realize you were saying theird be comment blocks with direction. i went through web.xml but didnt' see anything re remoting or integration . only mention of flex was CF Monitoring filter mappings
Got it, well it was worth a look. perhaps it's 100% gone now? Hopefully Priyank or Mark can shed some light. There's a not many people still using them these days.
yeah that's what part 1 was about. it says flex integratoion is removed, but flex remoting is just retired. i'm not even sure which one AMF really falls under...i thought it was remoting