Hoping for a bit of CF 2021 admin/update advice he...
# adobe
Hoping for a bit of CF 2021 admin/update advice here: we’re standing up our first CF 2021 dev server to start migrating from CF 2018. It is deployed as a WAR on Tomcat and sits behind a proxy that prevents access to the outside world and Adobe. For applying updates, we have to download the update JAR files, get them to the server, manually drop them in
and then apply the update from a command line. I’ve applied Update 3 w/o issue. Does updating “packages” (new to CF 2021) work in a similar manner?
So @saghosh has a really nice blog on this. https://community.adobe.com/t5/coldfusion-discussions/coldfusion-package-manager-cfpm-install-only-what-you-need/td-p/11698490 Basically... yes, but no. It is similar but you would do this from the CF PM CLI not the CF CLI. I think you'd run the import IMPORT_FILEPATH command, which would import the packages from that location. You may also have to purge the cache but I'm not 100% certain.
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Thanks, Mark I will go through that and follow up if I have questions.
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One of the really big issues that I had in a similar situation with CF2021 on a Linux JBOSS server was actually doing the registration. This proved to be a HUGE issue. The problem was, the server ONLY responded to SSL traffic. However, the CF2021 registration process ONLY uses http for the contacting to coldfusion.adobe.com. I couldn't believe that Adobe made such a simple mistake (but when we contacted Adobe - as the company had a support contract with them), they either didn't want to address it or couldn't figure out how do it. The registration process uses a callback service but hard coded the http://. I told them to just remove the http: as the call back will pick up the correct protocol. No, they refused to do it. In order to get this server registered, we had to re-config apache (for 10 minutes) to handle http traffic. The whole process took us about an hour to do it. This was total insane and I'm sure that this issue still exists.
Thanks, @drewnathanson That’s really good to know so that I can keep an eye. out for that.
Bleh, thanks for the heads-up, we'll be setting up our first 2021 server soon.