Another bug with the rest operator: ```function f(...
# adobe
Another bug with the rest operator:
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function f(required string param1, required numeric param2, ... date param3) // does not work in CF2021. Does not error, but ignores the rest operator
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function f(required string param1, required numeric param2, ... date param3) {
    return arguments

result = f("a string", 42, createDate(2011,3,24), createDate(2016, 8, 17))
writeDump(var=result, label="actual")

expected = {
    param1 = "a string",
    param2 = 42,
    param3 = [createDate(2011,3,24), createDate(2016, 8, 17)]
writeDump(var=expected, label="expected")

But technically you're passing in a 4th param and the 3rd is not an array its scoped as a date nor passed in as an array. Not sure I understand the error/bug.
The Rest Operator (
) is a new syntax in CF2021.
the Rest syntax collects and condenses [iterables] into a single element
It's supposed to take everything passed to the function starting at
and group them into an array referenced by
. It's not.
messing with the code, it's not allowed to be typed? Is that really what's going on?
Oh I missed that, gotcha
If you take out
it works as expected... And similarly, if you change it to string (and change the inputs accordingly) it fails in the same way.
Well yeah... but I specifically want an array of dates
Yeah, sorry. that' wasn't meant to be a solution - more of a "you have got to be kidding me"