Hey all, another FW/1 question...when I am trying ...
# fw1
Hey all, another FW/1 question...when I am trying to bring up my site, I get a subsystem is undefined in Request....I figure I am missing some setting in my application.cfc file...what is missing is it something in the variables.framework struct, or something else....thanks
It depends on what version of fw1 and what your folder structure is. fw1 (at least from 3.5 on) doesn't require any configuration to use subsystems. But, if you are trying to employ the old subsystem structure with a newer fw1 version, you may need to add some stuff to your framework settings for it, or if you are trying to leverage separate bean factories per subsystem.
@Matt Jones I have used up to 3.5 but did not really do anything with subsystems. SO, not sure what attributes I might need set for this variable to be set....I assume it has to do with subsystem attributes....any thoughts....thanks
I do recall getting this error in the mix with an exception happening elsewhere in the code and causing a short circuit of events. So keep that possibility in mind, as vague as that is :) But regarding setup... What version of FW/1 are you using? I see you mention "up to 3.5", but it's not clear otherwise. If leveraging anything under 3.5, you will want to check out this section of the docs to verify you have the correct settings included: https://framework-one.github.io/documentation/4.3/using-subsystems/#subsystems-10-vs-20 If 3.5+, there is not much you need to do other than have your subsystem in a /subsystems folder.
@tonyjunkes thanks for trying to help.
@tonyjunkes we are using 4.3 and I have not used that before...been on 3.5. The error is element subsystem is undefined in REQUEST this is one.cfc 1563. I am not trying to use subsystems but I am using a folder named mySite and also a folder called cart....but did not subsystem...if I wanted to do that for a test, do I need to add in all the subsystem attributes for variables.framework....It has been a while since I used FW/1 so trying to get back into the flow with it....thanks for the help....
If you're not using subsystems then I'd say there's nothing that needs to change as far as enabling the feature. The subsystem 2.0 approach is mostly an out of the box experience with 3.5+. Can you share what your framework.settings looks like? Also, what's your folder structure look like in relation to mySite and cart? Are one or both of those supposed to be unhandled paths?
right now both those folders are in the unhandled paths...want to switch the cart to mvc but just wanted to get the folders in and try to get the user struct for login passing from one folder to the other. just going to paste in the FW attributes....not sure if that is the best way to do it in a comment: variables.framework = { usingSubsystems = false, isInMaintenance = false, isPageCached = false, isRedirectOn404 = getEnvironment() EQ 'prod', trace = structKeyExists(url, 'trace')? true : false, reload = 'reload', SESOmitIndex = true, generateSES = true, diEngine = 'none', diOverrideAllowed = false, unhandledPaths = '/assets,/subsystems/contentmanager/assets,/cart/,/mySite/', preflightOptions = false, routes: [{"/" = "/scrubin/"}] };
@tonyjunkes Hey, sorry I was busy yesterday when I posted the message on this thread and did not include your name....so I posted the framework attributes for you to check out....I have not gotten back to looking at it since it is still in the explore stage, we have not quoted the work yet....any thoughts from what I posted....thanks
@fmdano to be honest I'm not completely sure. I made a little test app using the latest version of FW/1, mimicked the unhandled paths to the extent of having a similar directory structure with an index.cfm that dumped a value in each and added the same framework settings. Everything seemed to work as expected. No errors on startup or bouncing between the FW/1 plumbing and unhandled paths. If you're able to provide a condensed example app reproducing the error that I can run myself, that would be super helpful, but I'll mess with my test app some more when I have time.
Thanks for trying...I was thinking about trying to strip most stuff out and just go with bare bones and see if there is just something extra that i missed...
@tonyjunkes Hey, so put my foo folder and cart folder inside a newly downloaded FW/1 framework....fixed up the app.cfc to get the foo site to come up....url:port/foo/index.cfm. This works and then in the foo site I do a login which puts the user info into session. In the foo site I click a href link to get into the cart folder, and the user session seems to be gone....I thought having the foo and cart folders using the same app.cfc file with the same this.name would help the session move from folder to folder....I bet I am just missing something simple, so thought i'd ask if you or anyone else has and idea....I know I am close....
@fmdano sorry, not sure offhand. I've never tried to persist a session in that way, so not sure if any caveats.
cool....just thought i'd check;...