Is there any way to get the SQL statement (and par...
# lucee
Is there any way to get the SQL statement (and params) out of a
exception? If has
(nice capitalisation btw) there, but that is not what was sent to the DB: it's a string with the param placeholders swapped out for the data values.
EG my statement is
SELECT col FROM table WHERE id = ?
and params
and I want to get those two bits of data back exactly like that, not
SELECT col FROM table WHERE id = 'invalid'
which is what would be in
in this situation.
i think it might depend on the type of exception it's actually throwing. like if it couldn't prepare the statement with the params i don't think it will return those. what is the exception message itself?
I have never seen the params not re-inlined in database exceptions. On any DB exception I've seen. My example above was just convenient for my explanation.
in certain cases it will be in the 'where' key of the exception
in cf10, for this query:
Copy code
SELECT id, <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="blah"> AS hello FROM tablename WHERE id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="blah">
the where key in the exception contains:
Copy code
(param 1) = [type='IN', class='java.lang.String', value='blah', sqltype='cf_sql_varchar'] , (param 2) = [type='IN', class='java.lang.String', value='blah', sqltype='cf_sql_varchar']
that's cf10, cfquery and cfqueryparam tags, fwiw