`<cfdump output="console>` appears to get sw...
# lucee
<cfdump output="console>
appears to get swallowed tomcat 8.5.63 Lucee it is not in Catalina.out or stdout/stderror or the application.log in the lucee context where should I look or what am I missing, it is a lucee light install and I havent changed any of the standard output or log settings
@thisOldDave Check your lucee server context config and see where your system out is going
I don't think there's a web admin UI setting for it
But it's in the XML file
Also test if
Copy code
systemoutput( 'test', 1 )
appears in your out logs
Copy code

system: out (output-stream) 
- system (write out to default output stream) 
- log (logs to out.log in lucee-server/context/logs) 
- null (write no output) 
- class:<class> (class that implements java.io.PrintWriter) 
- file:<file> (file to write in)

err (err-stream) 
- system (write out to default output stream) 
- log (logs to err.log in lucee-server/context/logs) 
- null (write no output) 
- class:<class> (class that implements java.io.PrintWriter) 
- file:<file> (file to write in) -->

<system out="system" err="system"/>
You're looking for this part of the XML config
its set to system I haven't touched it
<system err="system" out="system"/>
I guess i dont know where the default is 🤷
👍 1
You can see above my particular server is redirectijng the out and error streams to the system out an error streams (which winds up in the servlet container's "out" log)
Ok, that looks correct what you have above
yup but its not appearing in stdout or stderror or the combined out for some reason it works with commandbox you will be pleased to know
👍 1