Good morning/day/afternoon. I have a problem using...
# lucee
Good morning/day/afternoon. I have a problem using mailjet as email provider. Whenever I try sending a mail with mailjet the following erroro occurs in the mail.log:
Copy code
"ERROR","Thread-106437","04/12/2022","09:33:27","mail","Could not connect to SMTP host: <|>, port: 25;lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: Could not connect to SMTP host: <|>, port: 25
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
	at javax.mail.Service.connect(
Caused by: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: <|>, port: 25;
  nested exception is: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
	... 4 more
Caused by: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.configureSSLSocket(
	at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.createSocket(
	at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.getSocket(
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
	... 3 more
System: Ubuntu, Apache2, Lucee (happened also with 5.3.8), let's encrypt certificates. Any idea what is happening here?
SSL SMTP is usually on a different port than 25?
Tried all, 587, 465, with and without TLS, etc.
Can i find somewhere a Bit more of information about the Error instead of the Not helpful "sorry, doesn't Work, but i'm Not telling you why"
well, shown me the stack for a proper ssl port first 🙂 i am just going off what you posted !!!!
Will do 😉
Really curious, in a Seconds Server everything ist fine and i can't See a difference
Ok, this is the message with the submission port:
Copy code
"ERROR","Thread-154636","04/14/2022","11:40:39","mail","Could not connect to SMTP host: <|>, port: 587;lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: Could not connect to SMTP host: <|>, port: 587
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
	at javax.mail.Service.connect(
Caused by: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: <|>, port: 587;
  nested exception is: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
	... 4 more
Caused by: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.configureSSLSocket(
	at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.createSocket(
	at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.getSocket(
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
	... 3 more
What I found in the catalina.log is this:
Copy code
14-Apr-2022 11:40:39.477 WARNING [Thread-154636] javax.mail.Session.loadResource expected resource not found: /META-INF/
na, that's just noise (I'm not "sorry, doesn't Work, but i'm Not telling you why" you!)
😉 1
are using using a username and password?
Yes, it's using the username/password way, not the API. Having the same on a 5.3.3 and 5.3.7 server works. Seeing one major difference: The working servers are using Java 1.8.0, the not working one 11.0.4 (unintentionally installed this version)