Question regarding `cfloop` : Reading the document...
# cfml-general
Question regarding
: Reading the documentation in Adobe about
attributes for a list is quite vague as to how these attributes work together. When only using
attribute (ie
), the list element is assigned to the
variable within the loop. However, when using both
attributes (ie
index="idx" item="itm"
), the behavior of the
attribute changes by assigning the true index number of the item in the list and the
attribute is assigned the element, instead. Why does the behavior for the
attribute have to change? Is it because of backward compatibility? If a developer wants to only grab the true index number in a list, then they are forced to extraneously include the
attribute. Am I missing something?
I'm guessing legacy versions of CF. Certainly there's a lot of CF code out there developed for CF9 and below that use 'index' to contain the list element that would be broken if this behaviour changed.
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historically index and item were mutually exclusive depending on whether you were looping a struct or something else. i've honestly never thought about having both stipulated in a single loop, and not sure why that would be a Good Thing to do that.
the for/in script syntax sort of homogenizes the tag attribute behavior, returning index or item based on the thing you're iterating
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It's odd because we are forced to upgrade things in newer versions of ACF like the 'd' vs 'D' in date formatting or the reserved word
and have to check and rename all of the places within the application for this, and I understand the impact is not as great as it would be for changing a cfloop index that probably exists in every application out there, but this implementation becomes hampered and bound to previous versions and devs continue to use the attribute in backwards compatibility, even if the application is new development. It seems the best bet would be to allow backwards compatibility flag settings for these sort of backwards enhancements so that ACF coding can advance correctly. Example: If folks upgrade and have index used only, then they will see a number if they don't turn on backwards compatibility for cfloop. Moving forward, devs can better understand the true purpose instead of having to find out how things work because of poor documentation and hand-tied implementation in order to appease older versions. It leads to crazy implementations like this that make no sense.
@websolete there are surely cases where the need for the index number in a list is a good case, but in order to do that, it makes
mutually inclusive in order to make that happen, which changes the behavior of
attribute. It makes it confusing as it is not documented in wording, except when seeing it in their examples. Either way, even if it was documented, the behavior flip flops and honestly, it should not. It should be
is for the element and
is for the index number in the list or array, always.
we used to not be allowed to include index and item together, it would thow an error. you would have to provide an additional mechanism to get the extra portion. you either looped from 1 to len of the object, then drilled into the object to get the item or you looped the item and tracked the index separately
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If a developer wants to only grab the true index number in a list...
If you just want the index, just use an indexed loop. It's what it's for.
Copy code
<cfset letters = "a,b,c,d">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#letters.listLen()#">
Other solutions that would improve your code would be: ā€¢ minimise the amount of data processing code you write in tags ā€¢ don't use the concept of "lists" when you have a data collection. Use an actual collection data type, rather than pretending a string is a collection. Then problems like how
handles lists becomes largely irrelevant.
fair enough, but it's easier to understand that the
attribute to always be used for grabbing the index number rather than attempting to understand how
works in certain cases that changes the behavior of how
is used. Especially, when
is only used for the element. Let's "KISS" and keep
only used for the index number.
Oh, I agree that
is a mess.
Right, which is why I always feel like I have to look up cfloop in order to understand how attributes work together, forget about remembering it all, especially since it changes with backwards advancement. I know I will be looking this up again down the road, because it is difficult remembering every special case in cfloop.
However the decision that in a list loop that
when used by itself means "the _item_" has been that way at least since CF5. There is no reason to break that - purely out of a sense of pedantry - to accommodate both
. The way that's been done is legit. I mean what else were they gonna call the thing with the number in it in that situation?
It's not really that much to remember. And not really that much of a hardship to spend 2min googling it if for some reason one can't remember.
If a new dev sees
, I don't think that the dev would think that the item would be returned, but rather, the index number. Moreover, now it flip flops in behavior, which is even worse.
I had not typed in a
for the best part of a decade, and seldom did even back then, but still remembered it's index for lists, item for structs, but if one uses both, then it's uniform for both lists and structs.
If a new dev...
hahahaha. Like there's new CFML devs. Nice one.
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it is funny ain't it? Lol However, I have seen new CFML devs, fwiw. šŸ™‚
But more seriously... there's lots of shit that a new CFML dev will encounter. That's the whole "new" bit. And TBH, I reckon after this conversation even you might remember how it works from now on?
And for your new devs, say "stop writing yer code in tags, fuck sake"
CFML is a pretty poorly-designed (if one can even use that word) language. Adobe has almost made a sport out of piling on more bad design onto existing bad design Macromedia and Allaire left them. Yer new CFML devs need to get used to that.
agree with the tag bit. I definitely endorse script-based coding and prefer writing in it, however, depending on who I work for, I sometimes don't have a choice or that it is not worth the effort due to time involved to convert.
yup. I am working on a largely tag-based codebase currently. However I'm only doing maintenance coding and writing tests (the tests are all script obvs).
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Now I will be setting you an exam in one month's time to check you remember how cfloop works...
LOLOL - That depends on how many social events with libations are in between. šŸ˜‰
[same applies to both examinee and examiner in this case]
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