this is probably a bit off-topic, but I need to de...
# cfml-general
this is probably a bit off-topic, but I need to decrypt a string in Python which was encrypted in cfml via
Copy code
encrypt(arguments.clearText, local.AES_Key, 'AES', 'HEX')
does anyone have any clue on how to achieve this?
See the documentation for
- You will need to decrypt using the same algorithm, seed, encoding, etc. The syntax in ColdFusion is
Encrypt(string, key, algorithm, encoding, IV_Salt, iterations)
So for what you have shared...
Copy code
arguments.clearText - this is the string to encrypt
local.AES_Key - this is the key/seed that was used
'AES' - this is the algorithm used
'HEX' - this is the encoding used