I'm having trouble passing a NULL value in structA...
# cfml-general
I'm having trouble passing a NULL value in structAppend. This is what I'm submitting
structAppend(key,{"field": null});
and it gives me
Variable NULL is undefined.
I am trying to get
"field": null
I tried enabling NULL at the application level, it didn't work. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Found my own answer via @ben
javaCast( "null", 0 )
Seems to be the solution.
For ACF yes
NullValue() for lucee
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Are you on older version of ACF?
On 2021
null keyword should work then
Does ACF2021 have an option to turn null off in the admin?
It does, but you can also turn it on at the application level. That is what I tried, but it didn't solve my issue.
That sucks
By the way it should work. Are you declaring
this.enableNullSupport = true;
in a function of your Application.cfc?
I did it in the
function of Coldbox and then reinit the app. I could probable just set it server wide, but the javacast seems to have resolved it
that's it. set it outside and above that init function. set it next to your session management settings or this.name settings.
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It should be listed in the docs here: https://cfdocs.org/application-cfc but its not.
I submitted a PR for cfdocs to include that setting.
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