Starting a new thread on this as the current discu...
# cfml-general
Starting a new thread on this as the current discussion is buried way down an unrelated thread. @Daniel Mejia & @elpete this is extracted from a conversation you were having.
Eric: ... The general rule is no member functions.
Can you clarify what you mean by that? #ItsATrap
Daniel was asking why he could use certain functions on Java arrays and not others. Specifically, he could call
arraySlice( javaArray, … )
but not
javaArray.slice( … )
. I was mentioning that the built-in functions like
will convert the Java array when it's passed in, but the member functions do not. It makes sense when you think about why, but can be initially confusing.
So that phrase specifically meant you can't use CFML member functions on Java arrays, but you usually can pass a Java array to a BIF that expects a CFML array.
👍🏾 1
Oh I see: that makes more sense. But it's a curious way of explaining it.
Maybe try this:
Copy code
cfmlArray = ["a", "b", "c"]
javaArray = cfmlArray.toArray()

    cfml = [
        array = cfmlArray,
        class = cfmlArray.getClass().getName(), // coldfusion.runtime.Array <-- they are completely different types of object
        methods = arrayMap(cfmlArray.getClass().getMethods(), (method) => method.getName()) // therefore they have completely different methods
    java = [
        array = javaArray,
        class = javaArray.getClass().getName(), // java.lang.Object[] <-- they are completely different types of object
        methods = arrayMap(javaArray.getClass().getMethods(), (method) => method.getName()) // therefore they have completely different methods
When one says just "array" one is being imprecise. They are actually objects of two completely different types of class. So... like... obviously (?) one can only call the methods for the class the object is a type of? It's not about "you can't call member functions on a java array". It's "you can't call the member functions of a
on an object that isn't a
. Now... the way CFML member functions are implemented are not quite as straight fwd as that because... ugh... CFML sux, basically... but for the purposes of this discussion that's how you need to understand it.
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I could implement a class
, and it's an array, but that doesn't mean you can call methods from
. You can only call its own methods, ie the ones defined in the
Like I said, it makes sense when you think about the fact that you have two different objects. But coming from a pure CFML perspective
seem like two different syntaxes for the same thing when in fact they are different.
👍🏾 1
But coming from a pure CFML perspective
I'm not sure this is a "Pure CFML perspective" situation. This is a pretty fundamental programming thing. But anyway... we got there. All good.