Where is the place to file a Coldfusion bug?
# cfml-general
Where is the place to file a Coldfusion bug?
You can post in tracker.adobe.com or email cfsup@adobe.com
Assuming the bug is ACF and not Lucee of course 🙂
@George Meng you're also welcome to ask about it here first to ensure it's really a bug
Also, always search the bug tracker before you enter a new ticket to make sure someone hasn't beat you to it
Double plus for Brad on those :)
It is simple case.
Within a form, there are three cftextarea with richtext enabled. Each cftextarea has different text. Say textarea1 has text "Hello1", textarea2 has text "Hello2" and textarea3 has text "Hello3". When we submit the form with ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm, the values we get on server are "Hello1" for all textareas. There is no other code in between, so I assume it is a bug.
Do you have unique names/ids for each text area
Also, do you have some sample code for your form?
Seems pretty straight forward, but I'll admin I haven't used the cftextarea stuff in over a decade
Yes, id/name are all unique
I will create a sample code when file the ticket so they could reproduce. I actually read the cfajax.js and know there is a bug there.
Believe or not, current cfajax.js assume there is only one cftextarea in the form, that is the root cause.
That's unfortunate
You can probably create a working try.cfm example that submits to httpbin.org
Good idea. Thanks!
if I use the following code, I get values from all 3 that are different:
<cfdump var="#FORM#" />
<cfform name="testform" method="post" action="cftextarea.cfm">
<cftextarea  name="textarea1"></cftextarea><br />
<cftextarea  name="textarea2"></cftextarea><br />
<cftextarea  name="textarea3"></cftextarea>
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
Am I misunderstanding your use case?
Yes, a little.
The case only happens when using ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
The app was written long time ago and we have a lot of ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm in place.
Ah. I see. Is it possible to run it through JQuery instead? Just collect the FORM object and pass it asynch that way? A LOT of that cf ajax/cfform stuff is using pretty old libraries. I personally stopped using it a long while back just to prevent headaches.
The functionality of ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm is so great, I could switch to ajax, but has to write quite some code since there are a lot of them in the code right now, have to replace each one of them. The only issue I experience so far is the cftextarea.