I have followthatpage watching Adobe's ColdFusion ...
# cfml-general
I have followthatpage watching Adobe's ColdFusion Downloads page. Today it said this: ----------------------- The page https://www.adobe.com/support/coldfusion/downloads.html has changed since the previous check. Changed: - Last updated on Feb 28, 2022 053943 AM GMT ... into: + Last updated on Mar 03, 2022 023304 PM GMT ----------------------- The last updated date changed, but no content? Does anyone have any further info, like are there updates that matter to existing ColdFusion installs (not dev tools or from-scratch installers)? @priyank_adobe @Mark Takata (Adobe)
Hi Dave, there is no update on this page. We are correcting few items but there is no update release.
Thanks for clarifying.