I noticed an issue with null support in CF2021. I...
# cfml-general
I noticed an issue with null support in CF2021. I am hoping someone else can confirm this behavior in their environment. ColdFusion 2021,0,03,329779 In Application.cfc, I have enabled null support. I have the following code samples:
Copy code
x = null;
if (x != null) {}
Using this code in a normal template, or an included template, works as expected. 🙂 Using this code in a CF custom tag results in the exception: Variable NULL is undefined. 🙁 It does not matter if the code is used in tag syntax or a script block.
That has to be a bug. Submit an issue to #adobe bug tracker
I was planning on it, but wanted someone else to confirm it. Thanks!
I don't see any mention anywhere that it's not supported in custom tags.
👍 1
Adobe has released 3 versions of 2021. Can you test it across all 3?
I have a CF2018 instance I'll try in a few minutes. I just confirmed this on a different CF2021 server. Same results.
Yes, this sounds like a bug. Please post the tracker number here so I can upvote this.
Will do. I also confirmed this on CF2018.