I am sending a PATCH request into a legacy fusebox...
# cfml-general
I am sending a PATCH request into a legacy fusebox app (running on lucee/commandbox) behind an IIS proxy but it is being converted to GET somewhere, somehow. Any ideas what could be causing something like that?
More details... • POSTs work fine • cfm and cfc handler mapping settings in IIS both allow all verbs (and if it didnt, it would error, not change it to a GET) • There are no rewrite rules that would change it • The browser shows the request-method as PATCH • The browser shows the the Access-Control-Allow-Methods response header as "OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH" • IIS logs claim the request was a PATCH • There is no redirect happening Yet, as early as in onRequestStart(), getHttpRequestData().method and cgi.request_method are both "GET"
Some proxies don't support PUT, PATCH, or DELETE and convert them to GET or POST. What sort of connector do you have between IIS and CommandBox/Lucee, and what versions of everything are you running?
In particular, AJP 1.3 does not support PATCH, so it might be related to that.
Doh… Definitely using AJP. I’ll have to check the version later but I’d have to guess that’s it.
Yep, I've seen people with BonCode have their patch requests converted to get
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There is a ticket on the BonCode Github issue tracker with more details if I recall
We switched from AJP proxy to plain HTTP proxy to get around that -- and we stayed with HTTP proxy in production ever since. AJP is a mess, IMO.
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(and now we're using Nginx so that's plain HTTP proxy as well)
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AJP is the only thing I’ve ever used with IIS reverse proxy. I’ll see what I can find out about “plain HTTP proxy”. Thanks for the heads up on ajp
Are you using the mod_cfml stuff at all? It not, it should work pretty well.
Nope. Not using mod_cfml
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Everything I find seems to suggest using the Boncode AJP connector (my site is actually the first google result even heh). Do you have any suggested reads for doing it without it?
@bhartsfield It's been a while since I set up an HTTP proxy, but it was just using the request routing feature you add into IIS to configure a basic proxy
Note, if you are doing it on development pointing to a server with no license key activated, I've had the proxy trip Adobe's feature router that only allows two IPs on a developer license and start blocking requests.
But basically, just google any guide for setting up a basic reverse proxy in IIS and you can test that. you'd point it to the HTTP port for CommandBox. The last time I played with it, i recall having an issue getting virtual directories to work, but I don't recall what the issue was -- just something to ensure you test.
I'd also recommend poking Bilal on that Github ticket to see if he can find a workaround for PATCH over AJP