Does anyone know how to do direct-to-disk http dow...
# cfml-general
Does anyone know how to do direct-to-disk http downloads in lucee? cfhttp wants to read the entire file into memory before I can save it and I need to grab a 28GB file from an S3 signed url regularly.
You can write your own HTTP client to do this
If you look at the progressable downloader in CommandBox, you can get an idea
I write the file to disk and I THINK it doesn't stay in memory-- I'd have to actually test that
But it's basically a matter of looping over an input stream and writing out the bytes as they come in
gotcha. I do that on arduinos
I'm curious if BoltHTTP does this-- if not, would be a great addition cc @foundeo
CFHTTP really should provide a way to do it too.
I don’t think BoltHTTP does support it
FWIW, this looks like an option, but not sure how to create the URL and File objects - passing strings doesn't work
You could just use cfexcecute to run rsync, or if it's UNIX and do you absolutely know what you are doing you could use 'dd'