Almost 0 Java experience & trying to incorpora...
# cfml-general
Almost 0 Java experience & trying to incorporate a Java Library in my app for starting a SMART on FHIR app. How would I take this github repository ( and turn it into a .JAR file to use in my CFML?
As long as you have a supported JDK installed and ready to go, it looks like you can clone the project (or, likely safer to just download their last release here, cd into the root and run the command 'gradelw' (which will run the gradlew binary on macOS/*nix or gradelw.bat on windows). Just a quick peak at those looks like it will create the jar file for you.
Thank you a bunch guys. These are some excellent resources to get started, I think I know what I'm doing now 🙂
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Looks like is the official distribution for the precompiled version.
( is a frontend for the maven central that they mention in their readme)
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Jochem is right. The jar is under "Files" here:
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You guys rock!!! Thank you so much. I love when things are as easy as a button click 😂
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