Working on moving out of Apache and hosting (all C...
# cfml-general
Working on moving out of Apache and hosting (all Coldfusion 2016) sites on IIS. is there any script available to do so Or is it pure manual effort doing it for each site individually ? Any Documentation / Prior information will be helpful.
Hey @priyank_adobe could the customer here use CFSetup? They'd probably have to upgrade to CF2021 though I guess...?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but CFSetup and CFConfig are about migrating ColdFusion settings, where I think @Viral's question is about migrating Apache settings to IIS. If I'm right about that, you'd probably be better off checking Stack Overflow, or maybe Microsoft support forums, than asking here.
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@Mark Takata (Adobe) Dave is correct here. Viral needs to find a script in some article which can transfer Apache Virtual host to IIS sites with all the bindings and certificates.
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CF cannot migrate the Sites, we can migrate the CF settings though
Thank you, I wasn't sure if some of the connector settings were exposed in CFSetup.
url rewrites post size limits post parameters header sizes caching compression These are the IIS features I use the most. @Viral I think you'll notice the default settings for most features are good enough. You'll have to go through you app server settings and identify the settings that your site relies on then search the IIS docs for the equivalent.
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Thank you all for the feedback & suggestion