shoutout to <@U029Z7ULU7J> for shipping buffer tim...
# general
shoutout to @Ali for shipping buffer time (before and after events) 🎉
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putting this into use right now 😎
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Awesome, translations are done elsewhere? (external agency or so?) at least the german one is missing here.
translations are always trailing a couple days behind
join #i18n if you want to contribute
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is this for all events on linked calendars or only events?
@Ian Hyzy So, the buffer time can be added to the events so that any events already in the linked calendars (busy schedule) are taken into consideration and the set buffer time(s) is/are taken into consideration for the future bookable slots in the respective events.
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that's what I was hoping for, thank you!
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Not a problem! Just to expand on it, this feature is built on top of the availability component. Hence, whatever availability is retrieved from there, the buffer time is adjusted on top of that. In the case of linked calendars, the buffer time would be adjusted on top of the availability fetched from them.
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I have a call scheduled from 12:50 to 13:50. Session duration is 60 minutes, minimum time before booking is 0 minutes, intevals are 5 minutes, buffer before call is 15 minutes. My availability is to 16:00. I would have expected bookings to be available from 14:05 (cause of the buffer before) up until 14:45 (cause buffer before plus meeting duration). But last booking available is 15:45 which doesn’t seem right if my availability ends at 16:00. Is there a misconception on my part?
Hi @Markus. If you don't use the buffer, what is the last bookable slot?
Ok first of all now I’ve added a Event Type specific availability for all days 9am to 10pm so I can test it. I have an Event in my calendar from 15:00 to 16:00. With 1 minute pre-booking time set, my next bookable slot is 17:00. I have another Event from 1800 1900. I can book right until 17:45 and then again from 20:00 again until 21:55. If I set no buffer-time, I can book from 17:00 till 18:00, then again from 20:00. If I set bookable intervals for the 60 min call to 60 min intervals, I can book 17:00, 18:00, 20:00, 21:00. That is without buffer. It seems that the start and end time get confused in whether an event can be booked. I would expect to be able to book 16:00 if my previous event ends at 16:00 and I don’t have a pre-buffer set…
The 1 minute pre-booking time doesn’t make a difference, which is correct cause the bookable slots are more than 1 minute into the future
Can you confirm the buffer time as well as event length in the above scenarios please?
How should I double-check to confirm, just in the tool backend?
I’ll double-check next time I have some free time, maybe the settings were still cached is that what you mean?
No no, I just wanted to know your settings in the
page so that I can try to recreate the issue locally and raise an issue if I can recreate it. Alternatively, you can go ahead and raise the issue, share the link here and tag me in it. I'll try to resolve it as soon as possible
I have a call scheduled from 12:50 to 13:50. Session duration is 60 minutes, minimum time before booking is 0 minutes, intevals are 5 minutes, buffer before call is 15 minutes. My availability is to 16:00.
I would have expected bookings to be available from 14:05 (cause of the buffer before) up until 14:45 (cause buffer before plus meeting duration). But last booking available is 15:45 which doesn’t seem right if my availability ends at 16:00.
Is there a misconception on my part?
I have tested this and I can confirm that there isn't a misconception on your part. This is a bug and I'm raising an issue on this. It should be resolved fairly soon. Thank you for reporting this @Markus 🙂 I'll keep you posted on the progress regarding this.
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As for the issue of last available booking being 15:45 despite availability ending at 16:00, that is unrelated to buffer and is related to the custom slot interval (see issue here). We'd be addressing both the issues very soon! 🙂
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Ok great @Ali, thank you for raising these two issues! If I can help with anything else there, please let me know (testing it once its’s fixed for example)!
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@Markus I'm glad you asked 😅 Please try and test out this PR and see if there are any further bugs that you can spot. I have tested it on my end and seems to work well in your aforementioned scenarios, but I would appreciate it if you could test out yourself, just to be sure 🙂
😄 Ok sure no problem. Is it already integrated in or should I download and test it locally? (I mean it’s not merged yet, so probably the second option) EDIT1: Ok found the article, just for reference: EDIT2: Nevermind, there is a preview link that I think I can use for that:
Ok or not lol, I guess back to testing it locally 😄
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No, it is still a PR. I imagine it'd be merged in a day or two, just testing different scenarios at the moment.
ah ok so once it’s merged I should test it? Tried to test it locally rn but with no luck haha
Haha, that's fine. Yeah, you can confirm the tests after it is merged.
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I would have expected bookings to be available from 14:05 (cause of the buffer before) up until 14:45 (cause buffer before plus meeting duration). But last booking available is 15:45 which doesn’t seem right if my availability ends at 16:00.
In regards to this, the expected bookings to be available would be from 14:05 all the way to 15:00 because you don't have anything lined up between them and hence the before buffer time is still available even if the slot is booked at 15:00. However, once it is booked, then any subsequent bookability would be affected by the before time of the booked slot. I hope that makes sense. 🙂
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Ah yes that does make sense!
@Ali Changes approved, but deployment has failed. Can you let me know when it’s my turn to test it please?
As soon as it is merged, you should be able to test it live. 🙂 For the moment, it needs another approval at least before it is merged.
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@Markus Just wanted to let you know that is now merged. You can go ahead and test it out 🙂
Ok so I’m testing it now. First thing I noticed is that I seem to have a timezone issue, not sure if I had it before and just didn’t realise… • 60 min session duration • 30 min session slots • no buffer times • no event specific availabilities • general settings: Berlin time (as my ical calendar), availability 1000 1900 Session slots are correctly showing up until 18:00 which is the correct last time to book (no buffer, 60 min duration -> 19:00 end time) BUT when I add an event in my calendar at 14:00 calcom shows slots for 14:00 and then 16:00, so somewhere timzones get mixed up I think.
general availability setting
general timezone setting
no buffer time, no other availability settings (in event)
calendar entry
bookable calcom event slots
I think I need to get that cleared up before being able to test the buffer times properly! Any ideas? I’ll also check in the timezones channel…
Ok I guess it’s still the UTC timezone issue thing that has been reported in the timezones channel?
thank you for the feedback! @Ali will take a look tomorrow (weekend right now)
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Hi @Markus Yeah, I'm currently exploring the bug you mentioned. It does appear to be related to the UTC timezone issue mentioned, but I'm not sure just yet. However, you should still be able to test out the buffer time affect on top of it. You can ignore this bug while I take a look at the mentioned bug and continue testing the buffer time functionality in the scenarios you mentioned when you informed us about the bug 🙂
Hi @Ali I’ve tested it and my previously tested scenario works now! Thanks for that 🙂 If I have some time I’ll also test the buffer time after event and some combinations. But for now, here is what I’ve tested: availability: 1000 1900 buffer before: 15 mins buffer after: 0 duration: 60 mins intervals: 5 mins minimum time before booking: 15 mins 1. If my calendar is empty, first slot is 10:00 as expected, last is 18:00 as expected. 2. If I add an event to my calendar from 1600 1700, last slot is 15:45. This is only right if thinks my 16:00 event is UTC and makes 1700 1800 out of it. Then the 15 min buffer makes sure I can’t book 1800 1900 which is correct. 3. If I book at 14:00 through calcom it adds it in the correct timezone to my calendar. Before that the last slot is then 12:45 which is correct, and the next one is 15:15 which is correct (BUT only because calcom thinks my event is UTC 16:00, not the correct UTC+1). It seems to me it’s working fine! Only issue seems to be reading events from my calendar, calcom thinking it’s UTC, but in reality my calendar is in Berlin time UTC+1.
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buffer after: 30 mins 4. Last bookable spot is 12:15 ending the event at 13:15, which gives me both the 30 minutes buffer after the event and 15 minutes before the next event. At first I expected the 15 minutes to be included in the 30 minutes buffer after, just making sure there is enough of a buffer. But if I both buffers it might mean I need 15 minutes prep time and 30 minutes recap time, so then the 45 minutes would make sense. I’d say that needs to be communicated in the docs and then it’s fine and expected behaviour! It’s also correct that I don’t have other slots after said 12:15 slot. My booked event is from 1400 1500 so 15:30 is the buffer after, plus 15 minutes buffer before -> the next slot could be 15:45 but it’s not there. My calendar block is from 1600 1700 but remember calcom thinks it’s 1700 1800, so if I had a booking slot at 15:45, it would end at 16:45, plus 30 minutes is after my block starts. So nice that’s also correct. Well done, @Ali!! And thanks for your patience and help in implementing it!
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@Markus Thank you for your testing, your bug report and your inputs, we greatly appreciate it all! 🙂 Couldn't be more greatful!
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Glad I can contribute!
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