Hi everyone! :wave: . We are trying the <Cal.com> ...
# developers
Hi everyone! 👋 . We are trying the Cal.com service and tested the API but the only response we have for now is
Copy code
  "message": "Something went wrong",
  "error": {
    "clientVersion": "3.10.0"
The request is:
Copy code
curl <https://api.cal.com/v1/event-types?apiKey=xxx>
As shown here: https://developer.cal.com/api/quick-start --- Would you have any advice to have it working? Is there any known limitation for free trial accounts? Thanks in advance for your help 🙏
👍 1
Maybe @Agusti can shed a light on this.
Hello @Gilles Rasigade, working on a hotfix right now, recurringEvents new feature was missing in validations, will let you know here once has been merged to main so you can try again and it should be fixed. 🙏
Hey @Gilles Rasigade Just shipped a fix to production, event-types endpoint should work now, thanks for reporting 🙏
Excellent! The response now has changed to
Copy code
  "error": "Your apiKey is not valid"
With an API key generated from the backoffice page:
But I followed the exact same process than explained in the documentation with
and happening the API key as
query param.
Did I miss something?
Thanks again for your support 🙏
Hey @Gilles Rasigade will be making an announcement soon, but if you try now we’ve shipped API to prod and you should be able to get cal_live_ keys from cal.com