Hi, I'm trying to setup a slack post when a custom...
# general
Hi, I'm trying to setup a slack post when a customer books in (and ideally when there's a cancellation or reschedule). There doesn't seem to be any info on the Slack App page and I can't find any info in the docs? Any suggestions on how to get this working?
Yeah the read me is a good place to start if you're setting this up for self hosted - slack app is still in beta but should work for the post part. Few things like error/success messages when booking an event aren't showing but they should be available within the next couple of days
If you're just using it on cal.com you should be able to click install - sign in with slack and use the bot from there
Got it - I was more looking for a way to post in slack when a call books but it looks like this is a different set of functionality
@Luke Harries Maybe you could use webhooks for that?
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