Hello, my meetings seem to have a hard-coded local...
# docker
Hello, my meetings seem to have a hard-coded localhost:3000 URL in the meeting details which create a problem when clicking the preview. My .env variables BASE_URL and NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL are not set to localhost:3000 so I'm wondering where that's coming from. Also, how in the world do I get the Accept our license thing on the bottom. I've set NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT="agree" yet it makes no difference
it seems like your .env is not being picked up correctly
are you on Docker?
it seems to pick up all other variables from the .env file like Zoom client and secret, dbase user and password etc.
weird interesting. i feel like some people before had issues with .env and docker
@Colin - Krumware any ideas?
The other weirdness is that if I put '' or "" around the BASE_URL or NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL I cannot login. I get a only absolute urls are allowed error in the container logs. I still don't understand what the difference is between those two variables anyway
i wish i could help you but i have absolut 0 knowledge of docker and how environments work in docker. i just use yarn && yarn dev and a postgres server and it works 😕
no docker
thanks for trying. Maybe someone else can?
can you open a ticket in github.com/calcom/docker maybe?
Docker does not support quotation marks in env files
also be sure to restart the docker services after you make changes to the .env
First thing I tried without quotes and no dice. that's when I tried quotes, still no dice. Any other thoughts?
Wait you want me to restart docker services and NOT the container?????
Restart your container or remove it and start it again
Sorry about the terminology, things get a little bit dicey when introducing docker-compose. Technically, in docker-compose we are defining services when in turn orchestrate the containers. So I don't mean the docker daemon, but the docker-compose service, with
docker-compose down