Hello I have self hosted cal in my ubuntu. How do...
# docker
Hello I have self hosted cal in my ubuntu. How do I check which version we have so I can plan for update. Anyone can help me with this thanks
you can check the version of the docker container using docker image ls
Thanks Victor it's not showing version ie 1.0.1 something. Output : REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE calendso/calendso latest e96476822f2f 4 weeks ago 1.8GB <none> <none> 118c5b351ae1 4 weeks ago 3.73GB <none> <none> 7b870e18f684 4 weeks ago 1.8GB <none> <none> 8ad431453a55 4 weeks ago 3.73GB <none> <none> f6b5f1e6f3c8 4 weeks ago 1.8GB <none> <none> 7cd8c9774fc6 4 weeks ago 3.73GB <none> <none> 94cbf52eff77 4 weeks ago 3.14GB node 14 24d97ba03bf7 5 weeks ago 944MB postgres latest 07e2ee723e2d 6 weeks ago 374MB
How can I upgrade this docker version Cal Also I have one self hosted cal installation without docker. Can you please let me know how can I check version there
you should do a docker pull calendso:latest
if you look at the digest, the current latest is : 5377b40ddc97 while you have e96476822f2f
Ok Thank you so much Victor, I will try to upgrade