Hello guys do you know if i can mass skip with def...
# general
Hello guys do you know if i can mass skip with default values the getting started for the users ? Thank you
well i did it in a pttr script if anyone is interested
Copy code
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

CAL_URL = "<your calendso url>"

async function login(page, username, password) {
    await page.type('#email', username)
    await page.type('#password', password)
    await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
    await page.waitForNavigation({
      waitUntil: "networkidle2"

async function flow(page){
  if(page.url() == CAL_URL+'/getting-started') {

    await page.click('#__next > div > div > article > section.max-w-xl.py-8.mx-auto > div > button')
    await page.waitForSelector('#__next > div > div > article > section.max-w-xl.py-8.mx-auto > div > button:nth-child(1)')
    await page.click('#__next > div > div > article > section.max-w-xl.py-8.mx-auto > div > button:nth-child(1)')
    await page.waitForSelector('#__next > div > div > article > section.max-w-xl.py-8.mx-auto > div > button:nth-child(1)')
    await page.click('#__next > div > div > article > section.max-w-xl.py-8.mx-auto > div > button:nth-child(1)')
    await page.waitForSelector('#__next > div > div > article > section.max-w-xl.py-8.mx-auto > div > button:nth-child(1)')
    await page.click('#__next > div > div > article > section.max-w-xl.py-8.mx-auto > div > button:nth-child(1)')
    await page.waitForNavigation()
  } else {

async function doCalendso(user) {
  return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ 
      headless: true,
      slowMo: 20,
      browserContext: 'incognito'
    page = await browser.newPage()
    await page.goto(CAL_URL, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' })
    await login(page, user.username, user.password)
    await flow(page)
    await browser.close().then(() => {

async function acceptGettingStarted(Calendso_user_list) {
  for(const user of  Calendso_user_list){
    await doCalendso(user)
    console.log("DONE : ")

async function readfile(filepath) {
  const fs = require('fs')
  let userList = []
  const file = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')
  file.split('\n').forEach(line => {
    if(line != ""){
      const user = {
        username: line.split(',')[0],
        password: line.split(',')[1].split('\r')[0]
  return userList

async function main() {
  // csv username, password
  const userList = await readfile('cal.csv')
  await acceptGettingStarted(userList)
