Hey, playing with a local deployment of <cal.com> ...
# developers
Hey, playing with a local deployment of cal.com (with database on supabase). Based in London, and supabase db is based in London as well. When I look at scheduling for individuals, everything works fine. When I use the same individual but create a collective scheduling link I get the error below. When I run in
yarn dev
there is no error that pops up on the console.
can you record it with birdeatsbug.com
https://app.birdeatsbug.com/sessions/LEEEvPRHfCCuYCOjfiz3e3Y-JVJRcMCp009h3yi9_-aQ Another bug came up -- when I press on date X, date X-1 gets highlighted sometimes...
here's the terminal output (sorry when I said console earlier, I meant terminal):
Copy code
(base) <mailto:x@X.com|x@X.com> <http://cal.com|cal.com> % yarn dev
yarn run v1.22.17
$ turbo run dev --scope="@calcom/web"
ā€¢ Packages in scope: @calcom/web
ā€¢ Running dev in 1 packages
@calcom/web:dev: cache miss, executing ef4b92521be15f2c
@calcom/web:dev: $ next dev
@calcom/web:dev: ready - started server on, url: <http://localhost:3000>
@calcom/web:dev: info  - Loaded env from /Users/vatsalaggarwal/Documents/workspace/cal.com/apps/web/.env
@calcom/web:dev: info  - automatically enabled Fast Refresh for 1 custom loader
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 692 ms (438 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling / (client and server)...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 232 ms (443 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /api/auth/[...nextauth]...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 118 ms (470 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /event-types (client and server)...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 960 ms (1377 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
@calcom/web:dev: Warning: viewport meta tags should not be used in _document.js's <Head>. <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-document-viewport-meta>
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /api/trpc/[trpc]...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 829 ms (1586 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /api/user/avatar...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 279 ms (1587 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /[user]/[type] (client and server)...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 991 ms (1779 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: Do not add <script> tags using next/head (see inline <script>). Use next/script instead. 
@calcom/web:dev: See more info here: <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-script-tags-in-head-component>
@calcom/web:dev: Do not add <script> tags using next/head (see inline <script>). Use next/script instead. 
@calcom/web:dev: See more info here: <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-script-tags-in-head-component>
@calcom/web:dev: Warning: viewport meta tags should not be used in _document.js's <Head>. <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-document-viewport-meta>
@calcom/web:dev: Warning: data for page "/[user]/[type]" is 599 kB, this amount of data can reduce performance.
@calcom/web:dev: See more info here: <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/large-page-data>
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /api/availability/[user]...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 311 ms (1748 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /event-types (client and server)...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 242 ms (1776 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: Warning: viewport meta tags should not be used in _document.js's <Head>. <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-document-viewport-meta>
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /api/user/avatar...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 201 ms (1777 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /event-types/[type]...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 865 ms (1724 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /event-types/[type] (client and server)...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 434 ms (1842 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /team/[slug]/[type] (client and server)...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 484 ms (1864 modules)
@calcom/web:dev: Do not add <script> tags using next/head (see inline <script>). Use next/script instead. 
@calcom/web:dev: See more info here: <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-script-tags-in-head-component>
@calcom/web:dev: Do not add <script> tags using next/head (see inline <script>). Use next/script instead. 
@calcom/web:dev: See more info here: <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-script-tags-in-head-component>
@calcom/web:dev: Warning: viewport meta tags should not be used in _document.js's <Head>. <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-document-viewport-meta>
@calcom/web:dev: Warning: data for page "/team/[slug]/[type]" is 332 kB, this amount of data can reduce performance.
@calcom/web:dev: See more info here: <https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/large-page-data>
@calcom/web:dev: wait  - compiling /api/availability/[user]...
@calcom/web:dev: event - compiled client and server successfully in 214 ms (1865 modules)
The off by one error actually pops up even when I use cal.com/peer ... https://app.birdeatsbug.com/sessions/jYEAcfgrsDCuRJEw8_Bq-fIiyUZQwImZEUTXKRbVrNdq -- very strange.
@Vatsal Aggarwal @Peer we may be seeing a similar issue on cal.com when we click on a day that is outside of the user's availability (w tested this with both, Outlook or Gmail calendars). Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to availability and uncheck Saturday and Sunday for your the user 2. Create a collective team event (add anyone else to it) 3. Goto to the preview link 4. Pick Saturday or Sunday and you will see the same error message Note that when testing this against the personal link (one calendar only), Saturday and Sunday are not clickable and therefore the issue doesn't happen. @Peer can you confirm that this is a defect? See bird video for details: https://app.birdeatsbug.com/sessions/pr0Ih57fukVBnBtIo_aQK7Vyxgkz5cZnCyPwu-Y_jzpy cc: @User @User
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I made the video public now.
thank you! will look into it with the team
@Emrysal can you take a look?
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Thank you! šŸ™
Shall I reopen this as a GitHub issue for easier tracking?
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