Not sure if this the right channel, but I've been ...
# community
Not sure if this the right channel, but I've been trying to setup atlantis and getting the following error:
Copy code
Error: initializing server: error initializing github authentication transport: wrong number of installations, expected 1, found 0
that error is because the github app is not installed
did you I stay the app using the wizard ?
I went through the set up of at the URL: <https://$ATLANTIS_HOST/github-app/setup|https://$ATLANTIS_HOST/github-app/setup>
Do I need to do something else after I restart the app with the newly created credentials?
do you see the Atlantis app installed ?
When I go to my app’s settings in my organization page I don’t see an option to “install” it
I thought by being here it was already installed 🤔
maybe is on the repo ?
I installed at the ORG level, I can see the app in my organizations github app sections but I don’t see an installation button not in the repo either
do you actually have permission to install it?
and do the permissions of the app give access to all repos or at least the repo you are using ?
I had installed a previous one, im thinking it’s possible my security peeps only gave me the ability to install the previous one I deleted So maybe I need to have them grant me permission to install this new one?
yes , that is possible
I installed the default settings of the app it didn’t ask me to configure any specific repos for access
just check the settings , you could try to allow repo access
and then see if it shows at the repo level
it has the repository permissions: • Contents: (Read/Write) • Checks: (Read/Write) • Commit Statuses: (Read/Write) • Administration: (Read Only) • Issues: (Read/Write) • Metadata: Read-Only • Pull-Requests: (Read/Write) • WebHooks: (Read/Write)
thanks for the help btw, it turned out I just didn't have permission to install. security person had to do it
I'm glad to hear is working