I’d heard that the server process has a set (10?) ...
# pinot-perf-tuning
I’d heard that the server process has a set (10?) number of threads to handle query requests. Assuming we have very low qps, and want to minimize latency, is there a way to set the number of threads == the number of cores? And are there any other places in the system where similar constraints exist?
I see “UnboundedResourceManager” as an alternative to “PolicyBasedResourceManager”, what would be the downside to using that one? And assuming that’s not a bad idea, how would I configure my cluster to use it?
I think it defaults to 2x the number of cores. Also, it helps improve latency by parallelizing multiple segments processing for the Amar query.
@Mayank “Amar query”?
Lol, it seems like an auto correct, now I can't recall what I intended to say there
But if I understand what you’re saying, you think that all server CPU resources are currently being used for a query, so there’s no benefit to switching to UnboundedResourceManager, right?
Yeah, assuming you have enough segments, cores will be used to process them.