When running `mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pbin-...
# pinot-dev
When running
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pbin-dist
on master, I got a failure:
on project pinot-jdbc-client: *Some files do not have the expected license header
The specific files were:
Copy code
[INFO] Checking licenses...
[WARNING] Unknown file extension: /Users/kenkrugler/git/pinot-ken/pinot-clients/pinot-jdbc-client/.externalToolBuilders/Maven_Ant_Builder.launch
[WARNING] Missing header in: /Users/kenkrugler/git/pinot-ken/pinot-clients/pinot-jdbc-client/maven-eclipse.xml
Is this due to cruft in my filesystem, or some missing exclusions that ought to be there, or something else?
mvn license:format
I think there are some ignored files without header?
Yes - e.g. the
looks like a generated file (not under source control). Same for the
-Dlicense.skip=true can be a temporary solution. (I experienced this issue yesterday also) Seems this is a common issue facing users; the tutorial wiki needs to be updated to clarify (e.g., what it means, identify the files missing headers, temp or full solution).