Hi team. I am facing a peculiar issue right now wi...
# troubleshooting
Hi team. I am facing a peculiar issue right now with one of our realtime servers. This realtime server consumes from two tables, as can be seen from its node data:
Copy code
  "id": "backend_entity_view_REALTIME",
  "simpleFields": {
    "BUCKET_SIZE": "0",
    "SESSION_ID": "30162be05be0043",
    "STATE_MODEL_DEF": "SegmentOnlineOfflineStateModel",
  "mapFields": {
    "backend_entity_view__6__1770__20220311T1126Z": {
      "END_TIME": "1646997978968",
      "INFO": "",
      "START_TIME": "1646997978753",
      "TRIGGERED_BY": "*"
  "listFields": {}

  "id": "service_call_view_REALTIME",
  "simpleFields": {
    "BUCKET_SIZE": "0",
    "SESSION_ID": "30162be05be0043",
    "STATE_MODEL_DEF": "SegmentOnlineOfflineStateModel",
  "mapFields": {
    "service_call_view__4__1268__20220311T1227Z": {
      "END_TIME": "1647004152026",
      "INFO": "",
      "START_TIME": "1647004133127",
      "TRIGGERED_BY": "*"
    "service_call_view__4__1269__20220311T1308Z": {
      "END_TIME": "1647004133319",
      "INFO": "",
      "START_TIME": "1647004133127",
      "TRIGGERED_BY": "*"
  "listFields": {}

  "id": "span_event_view_1_REALTIME",
  "simpleFields": {
    "BUCKET_SIZE": "0",
    "SESSION_ID": "30162be05be0043",
    "STATE_MODEL_DEF": "SegmentOnlineOfflineStateModel",
  "mapFields": {
    "span_event_view_1__1__9751__20220309T1444Z": {
      "END_TIME": "1646837055817",
      "INFO": "",
      "START_TIME": "1646837055782",
      "TRIGGERED_BY": "*"
    "span_event_view_1__1__9865__20220311T1302Z": {
      "END_TIME": "1647004903102",
      "INFO": "",
      "START_TIME": "1647004896155",
      "TRIGGERED_BY": "*"
    "span_event_view_1__13__9635__20220311T1303Z": {
      "END_TIME": "1647003820644",
      "INFO": "",
      "START_TIME": "1647003820427",
      "TRIGGERED_BY": "*"
    "span_event_view_1__1__9866__20220311T1321Z": {
      "END_TIME": "1647004896393",
      "INFO": "",
      "START_TIME": "1647004896155",
      "TRIGGERED_BY": "*"
  "listFields": {}
The server is consuming from all partitions of
just fine, but the lag in just this partition (partition 6) of
is continually increasing. I checked the controller logs, and see a whole lot of:
Copy code
2022/03/11 13:20:53.141 WARN [ConsumerConfig] [grizzly-http-server-0] The configuration 'stream.kafka.topic.name' was supplied but isn't a known config.
2022/03/11 13:20:53.397 WARN [TopStateHandoffReportStage] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(0ff7d49b_DEFAULT)] Event 0ff7d49b_DEFAULT : Cannot confirm top state missing start time. Use the current system time as the start time.
2022/03/11 13:21:36.012 WARN [TopStateHandoffReportStage] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(d95795b6_DEFAULT)] Event d95795b6_DEFAULT : Cannot confirm top state missing start time. Use the current system time as the start time.
2022/03/11 13:21:59.914 WARN [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(6831a128_DEFAULT)] Fail to read record for paths: {/pinot-prod/INSTANCES/Broker_broker-1.broker-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8099/MESSAGES/b43eba4e-58fb-4fae-bb8e-72bcd97ed0ea=-101}
2022/03/11 13:22:00.411 WARN [TopStateHandoffReportStage] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(ed7c9add_DEFAULT)] Event ed7c9add_DEFAULT : Cannot confirm top state missing start time. Use the current system time as the start time.
2022/03/11 13:22:00.899 WARN [TaskGarbageCollectionStage] [TaskJobPurgeWorker-pinot-prod] ResourceControllerDataProvider or HelixManager is null for event 7ed61473_TASK(CurrentStateChange) in cluster pinot-prod. Skip TaskGarbageCollectionStage.
2022/03/11 13:22:12.082 ERROR [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [grizzly-http-server-2] paths is null or empty
2022/03/11 13:23:09.694 WARN [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(6e6a3d4e_DEFAULT)] Fail to read record for paths: {/pinot-prod/INSTANCES/Broker_broker-1.broker-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8099/MESSAGES/3f8e92c9-7eb4-49ca-91d1-caa9e868e071=-101}
2022/03/11 13:23:09.694 WARN [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [HelixController-pipeline-task-pinot-prod-(6e6a3d4e_TASK)] Fail to read record for paths: {/pinot-prod/INSTANCES/Broker_broker-1.broker-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8099/MESSAGES/3f8e92c9-7eb4-49ca-91d1-caa9e868e071=-101}
2022/03/11 13:23:10.248 WARN [TopStateHandoffReportStage] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(9f5bd9ba_DEFAULT)] Event 9f5bd9ba_DEFAULT : Cannot confirm top state missing start time. Use the current system time as the start time.
2022/03/11 13:23:20.224 WARN [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [HelixController-pipeline-task-pinot-prod-(28af3294_TASK)] Fail to read record for paths: {/pinot-prod/INSTANCES/Broker_broker-1.broker-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8099/MESSAGES/0ebed9b5-51b6-41fe-b5df-a8d69c1b717b=-101}
2022/03/11 13:23:20.224 WARN [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(28af3294_DEFAULT)] Fail to read record for paths: {/pinot-prod/INSTANCES/Broker_broker-1.broker-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8099/MESSAGES/0ebed9b5-51b6-41fe-b5df-a8d69c1b717b=-101}
2022/03/11 13:23:20.905 WARN [TopStateHandoffReportStage] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(b4f04a02_DEFAULT)] Event b4f04a02_DEFAULT : Cannot confirm top state missing start time. Use the current system time as the start time.
2022/03/11 13:25:05.373 WARN [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [HelixController-pipeline-default-pinot-prod-(364d2339_DEFAULT)] Fail to read record for paths: {/pinot-prod/INSTANCES/Broker_broker-0.broker-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8099/MESSAGES/aae2fb99-0322-4568-b410-88fddd305fd9=-101}
2022/03/11 13:25:05.373 WARN [ZkBaseDataAccessor] [HelixController-pipeline-task-pinot-prod-(364d2339_TASK)] Fail to read record for paths: {/pinot-prod/INSTANCES/Broker_broker-0.broker-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8099/MESSAGES/aae2fb99-0322-4568-b410-88fddd305fd9=-101}
The server has only one conspicuous warning:
Copy code
2022/03/11 12:57:12.755 ERROR [ServerSegmentCompletionProtocolHandler] [span_event_view_1__1__9864__20220311T1243Z] Could not send request <http://controller-0.controller-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local:9000/segmentConsumed?reason=rowLimit&streamPartitionMsgOffset=28119323382&instance=Server_server-realtime-10.server-realtime-headless.pinot.svc.cluster.local_8098&offset=-1&name=span_event_view_1__1__9864__20220311T1243Z&rowCount=9138843&memoryUsedBytes=3188798201>
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
	at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
	at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(SocketInputStream.java:115) ~[?:?]
	at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:168) ~[?:?]
	at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:140) ~[?:?]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.io.SessionInputBufferImpl.streamRead(SessionInputBufferImpl.java:137) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.io.SessionInputBufferImpl.fillBuffer(SessionInputBufferImpl.java:153) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.io.SessionInputBufferImpl.readLine(SessionInputBufferImpl.java:282) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(DefaultHttpResponseParser.java:138) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(DefaultHttpResponseParser.java:56) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.io.AbstractMessageParser.parse(AbstractMessageParser.java:259) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.DefaultBHttpClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(DefaultBHttpClientConnection.java:163) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.impl.conn.CPoolProxy.receiveResponseHeader(CPoolProxy.java:157) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.doReceiveResponse(HttpRequestExecutor.java:273) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-f8ec6f6f8eead03488d3f4d0b9501fc3c4232961]
	at shaded.org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.execute(HttpRequestExecutor.java:125) ~[pinot-all-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.9.1-
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829) [?:?]
2022/03/11 12:57:12.756 ERROR [LLRealtimeSegmentDataManager_span_event_view_1__1__9864__20220311T1243Z] [span_event_view_1__1__9864__20220311T1243Z] Holding after response from Controller: {"offset":-1,"streamPartitionMsgOffset":null,"buildTimeSec":-1,"isSplitCommitType":false,"status":"NOT_SENT"}
The server’s resource usage is well under limits. Any idea what might be going on here?
Other partitions of
are being consumed from as usual, so doesn’t look like a problem with the kafka topic.
Gave a rolling start to of realtime servers, issue got resolved then. But I am afraid this will come back.
@Neha Pawar @Navina R
It looks like network issue between that server and controller
But @Kishore G the same server is consuming from the other topic, so lag should’ve gone up for both the tables, isn’t it?
Ah, am I reading right? That payload was 3gb
One hypothesis is that the payload is too big and it timed out
And it did not recover from that
If the server couldn’t recover, it should’ve stopped consuming from all partitions of all topics assigned to it, isn’t it? It was consuming from
all fine but stopped consuming from
Not really.. each partition has its own lifecycle
Is it still in that state?
Jstack would be useful
Ah. But then this read timeout happened for
, which was working fine. I can look for similar logs for
in Sumo Logic.
Gave it a rolling restart some time back, so don’t think if I’ll be able to get it now.
Okay.. can you share the server and controller logs during that period..
I am pulling them out now.
Still pulling the logs out, got this meanwhile. Looks like it ran out of heap:
"1647001516682","11/03/2022 17:55:16.682 +0530","Exception in thread ""backend_entity_view__6__1770__20220311T1126Z"" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space","{""timestamp"":1647001516682,""log"":""Exception in thread \""backend_entity_view__6__1770__20220311T1126Z\"" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"",""stream"":""stderr"",""kubernetes"":{""host"":""ip-10-1-136-249.ap-south-1.compute.internal""}}","PROD","ip-10-1-136-249.ap-south-1.compute.internal","234","k8s-prod-green-eks","k8s/prod/pinot/server","prod-green-eks","pinot.server-realtime-10.server","stderr","1647001516682"
Was there segment generation happening at the time?
Also what’s the jvm config and cores/mem
@Mayank I couldn’t get that. The config is 64G total mem with 10G of heap, which seems a bit less to me as I more than tripled the segment generation threshold for both of these tables.
What’s the segment threshold? Please use defaults
Segments were indeed getting generated. 4 segments at 17:55.
For 64GB mem, I’d set xms=Xmx=16GB
Yeah so that would explain
My recommendation to use defaults
@Mayank Defaults are too low for us. Both of these tables have high ingress traffic. Commits happen very frequently if I use default thresholds.
Then use RT2OFF
Sorry, what’s RT2OFF?
Real-time to offline job
Oh yes, we have that. Every hour, it moves these segments to offline servers.
What’s the segment size being generated
For BEV, 2G. For SEV, 2.5G
^ this was recommended by the RTP tool.
Ok definitely not a good idea to generate 2G segments from real-time servers, especially when you have multiple tables
I am not sure if RTP can handle multiple tables on same server
Yes, we’re kinda stuck b/w very frequent commits (~8m) and large segments sizes. The RTP tool gave us a segment size of 5.5G for 2h worth of consumption.
Oh yes, I divided the total available mem by number of tables as recommended earlier.
Hmm something doesn’t add up, 5GB segments is huge even for offline.
@Sajjad Moradi any idea RTP is suggesting 5GB segment size when available is 10GB heap, and even 2GB is creating issues?
Our servers are also well within the total mem limits. They’re 64G machines and total util. is under 30G.
Would you still recommend we use the defaults @Mayank? Earlier we used them and had around 24k segments for SEV alone 😄
Will need more context, will dm
To reduce the size of the RT segments, there are two options: 1) decrease the consumption time 2) increase number of kafka partitions. RTP gives you the segments size for different combinations of these parameters. You should choose the parameters to have segments of size less than 1GB (ideally between 200-500MB).
Recently I experienced that RT segments of 1GB size take approximately a couple of minutes to get completed before segment upload to controller (~1 min for converting to immutable segment and ~1 min for making a tar.gz before upload). So I'd aim for smaller segments.