Hi Team , I am using pinot-0.10.0 to execute pinot...
# troubleshooting
Hi Team , I am using pinot-0.10.0 to execute pinot ingestion job with avro file and it gives error like :- Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported Avro type: NULL It is working fine with json file. can anyone please help into this issue?
Hi Deepak, would you happen to have the avro schema of your input data? Seems like there might be an invalid field with a type
Schema is same for json and avro
It is getting problem on this field { “name”: “countryInfo”, “dataType”: “STRING” },
In data there is no value , It should come with default value - NULL after populating data in pinot table
The exception is thrown for the
field. Can you confirm what the avro type is for that field?
{ “name”: “viceusage”, “dataType”: “STRING” }
error is coming where the datatype - STRING and if there is no data of this field
This exception is happening in the part of the code the is purely parsing your Avro schema. If the
field can be null, then it should be an avro UNION type of
["null", "long"]
. I don't think that is currently the case.