Trying to run the QueryRunner class with following...
# troubleshooting
Trying to run the QueryRunner class with following command, and am seeing.
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java -jar pinot-tool-launcher-jar-with-dependencies.jar QueryRunner -mode singleThread -queryFile test.q -numTimesToRunQueries 0 -numIntervalsToReportAndClearStatistics 5 -brokerHost <host-name>
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WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [d]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [d] starting at position 16 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [thread]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [thread] starting at position 25 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [level]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [level] starting at position 35 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [logger]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [logger] starting at position 47 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [msg]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [msg] starting at position 54 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [n]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [n] starting at position 56 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [d]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [d] starting at position 16 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [thread]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [thread] starting at position 25 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [level]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [level] starting at position 35 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [logger]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [logger] starting at position 47 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [msg]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [msg] starting at position 54 in conversion pattern.
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [n]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [n] starting at position 56 in conversion pattern.
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass (file:/Users/awagle/DataPlatform/pinot/pinot-tools/target/pinot-tool-launcher-jar-with-dependencies.jar) to method java.lang.Object.finalize()
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
%d [%thread] %-5level %logger - %msg%nUsage: QueryRunner
Is there a doc available on how to use QueryRunner
Am I doing something wrong by providing BrokerHost
Copy code
select * from airlineStats
I think there is also built, can you try that?
Thanks @User: Can you point me to the git link for it. I tried searching
You can build it via
mvn install
, or it should be part of the latest image
Hi @User. Thanks for your reply. Tried to build locally for some reason the shell script is not generated for me. Maybe I missing something. Any steps on documentation/readme?
Are you trying master?
yes. tried master
I even looked at downloading 0.10.0 directly using :
this is what I see in /bin directory :
Copy code
find . -name 'query*sh'
👍 1
Thanks was looking at wrong place !