Hi little question about hybrid table ... i’ve man...
# troubleshooting
Hi little question about hybrid table ... i’ve manage to purge sucessfully my offline table (big thanks to @User and @User ) Segment size 0 docs 🙂 Pretty happy. But ... I keep see the purged record as they remains in the realtime table 😕 The retention still a bit long. Is there a way to clear either using segment metadata on the offline side or deleteting processed realTimetoOffline segments on the realTimeSide ? Many thanks 😉
What is your retention in real-time? Also how often do you push to offline ? If daily, then the time boundary should take care of serving one day old data from offline and not real-time
Retention is not set on realtime table 😕 So if I schedule task realtime to offline close to my retention times (let say retention time = realtTimeToOffline schedule + 1 hour gap ) it should do the trick. Thx for bringing this to my attention 😉
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