<@UDSQ3A58W> if you can provide the following info...
# general
@User if you can provide the following info that will help a lot: 1. Zookeeper Segment metadata for the consuming segment : Should be in helix-cluster-name/pinot/PROPERTYSTORE/CONFIGS/SEGMENTS/tableName/segmentName 2. TableConfig Thanks
one of the segment metadata
Copy code
  "id": "clog_v3__14__17__20190228T0105Z",
  "simpleFields": {
    "segment.crc": "1177960103",
    "segment.creation.time": "1551315929613",
    "segment.end.time": "1551306283884",
    "segment.flush.threshold.size": "40000000",
    "segment.flush.threshold.time": null,
    "segment.index.version": "v3",
    "segment.name": "clog_v3__14__17__20190228T0105Z",
    "segment.partition.metadata": "{\"columnPartitionMap\":{}}",
    "segment.realtime.download.url": "<>",
    "segment.realtime.endOffset": "2708178197",
    "segment.realtime.numReplicas": "2",
    "segment.realtime.startOffset": "2708157487",
    "segment.realtime.status": "DONE",
    "segment.start.time": "1551306266581",
    "segment.table.name": "clog_v3",
    "segment.time.unit": "MILLISECONDS",
    "segment.total.docs": "20710",
    "segment.type": "REALTIME"
  "listFields": {},
  "mapFields": {}
and table config
Copy code
The segment metadata for a consuming segment was what i was looking for. If a consuming segment has metadata that has 0 rows (somehow due to a bug) then some of your symptoms are possible.