<@UPK7Y0X0A> no.
# general
@User no.
👍 1
@Elon What's the usage you have in mind? We have transform functions interface, and it might be really easy to add.
Hi @Mayank, the usage was for using the HadoopPinotFS and including the gcs-connector jar or more preferably, using the GcsPinotFS (something I'm working on now, should have a pr ready in the next day or 2).
Oh, I interpreted it as you were looking for something like
select toUpper(foo) from table where....
Is that not the case?
BTW, looking forward to GcsPinotFS PR.
I think @Elon already submitted a PR for uppercase
yeah, i saw that
Seems still open, taking a look
Ah, thanks, I didn't realize that was what you were asking. So in the pinot presto connector for prestosql I implemented filter pushdown so the filters get added to the "dynamic" pql there as well - this is a workaround until prestosql implements aggregation pushdown. I was referring to something else: we are implementing GcsPinotFS and also trying to use gcs-connector for HadoopPinotFS
@Mayank, thanks!
@Elon ack.