Hi.. i am trying to delete a pinot segment from re...
# general
Hi.. i am trying to delete a pinot segment from rest api but it doesn’t delete it. Why would that happen?
Can you share the curl command? And what is the controller log printing at that time?
i'm using the swagger ui
message has been deleted
but when i do get segments; i can still see the segment
message has been deleted
do you have access to the controller's log file? there could be an exception in there that will help
thanks, will investigate in a bit. The ideal state and external view of this table would also help.
do you see this segment in ideal state/external view?
what about in segment metadata?
i can see the segment in external view
also segment metadata
{ "segment.offline.download.url": "http://pinot-controller-0.pinot-controller.pinot.svc.cluster.local:9000/segments/temp_pos_psa/temp_pos_psa", "segment.time.unit": null, "segment.start.time": "-1", "segment.end.time": "-1", "segment.total.docs": "5318029", "segment.table.name": "temp_pos_psa", "segment.creation.time": "1581697248926", "segment.name": "temp_pos_psa", "segment.index.version": "v3", "segment.offline.refresh.time": "1581699556268", "custom.map": null, "segment.type": "OFFLINE", "segment.offline.push.time": "1581699439359", "segment.crc": "1578365118" }
why does the metadata say null, -1 -1
Copy code
"segment.time.unit": null,
  "segment.start.time": "-1",
  "segment.end.time": "-1",
Do all your segments look like this?
i think that is because the other segments are like :
with time field i gave
So.. when I first loaded the table ; I forgot the time spec in table schema and table config and it created this segment temp_pos_psa
I deleted the segment and recreated the schema and table config ; so updated segments loaded like : temp_pos_psa_2020-01-01_2020-01-01
but for some reason ; this temp_pos_psa segment is not getting removed from pinot
can you share the logs from the pinot-server that has this segment?
i don't see any relevant logs in server
but surprisingly, i deleted the segment from rest api , and it deleted it this time
not sure what was the reason
i suspect it was just a slow helix transition
is your controller log configured to separate out the helix logs in a different file?
because i couldn't see information about helix transitions in the controller
yeah.. might be
i don't think so.. i got this from kubernetes shell