As I sent earlier in the dev mail list, I proposed...
# general
As I sent earlier in the dev mail list, I proposed adding a segment download api to Pinot server. It is part of the PR to by-pass deep-store requirement for segment completion in low level realtime consumer (design doc). The new segment download rest API in Pinot server would be in the TablesResource class with URI: • /tables/{tableName}/segments/{segmentName} The API allows download of a segment as a zipped tar file. Its primary usage is for segment download when a deep store is unavailable. Please let me know if you have any question.
👍 2
Please change this URI to be
. This will make it to be the same as controller. The /tables API in controller is deprecated for use of segment rertieval
Also, you may want to discuss this in the email list, we can also bump up email traffic that way. Or, in pinot-committers channel
thanks. update sent to email list.
@Xiang Fu and @Kishore G any comments on the new API proposal? @Jackie?
Will look into it today