<@UDRJ7G85T> maybe also because i set REFRESH as s...
# general
@User maybe also because i set REFRESH as segmentPushType so i read with this setting i cannot append directly. it is just a copy of the data i want to query...without the possibility to add new data
There are two modes, REFRESH and APPEND (default). In APPEND mode you can keep pushing new data. In Refresh mode, every time you push data, you replace existing data
ok, so basically now what is a fast way to put data inside my test table? at the moment the data is on a CSV
awesome! thank you so much
i am not using a timestamp, i have read that it is mandatory only for append
😮 😮 inserting 37M records in few seconds
select max(amount) from test group by strategy_id limit 7895, 25 ( i have ~ 8000 strategies ) "timeUsedMs": 974 !! yes it is a simple query but 37M of records! i do not think the docker version is tuned, no?
i think it has the default configuration
oh i think yes bercause reading the trace i am seeing:
"numServersQueried": 1,
"numServersResponded": 1,
"numSegmentsQueried": 1,
"numSegmentsProcessed": 1,
"numSegmentsMatched": 1,
do it is using just one partition/segment
lets use #troubleshooting channel
👍 1