curious, does pinot inherently handle duplicate ro...
# general
curious, does pinot inherently handle duplicate rows based on some column? ā€¢ Not as of now.
@Pradeep In many cases, de-duplication can be done at query time by using DISTINCT. Let me know if this is not an option for you. Maybe we can find a solution.
yeah I was aware of that, was just curious if we were to do upload of data from from multiple places and was wondering if there is a way to handle overlaps. not very important at the moment, something that just came to my mind, so thought would ask, thanks.
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This is part of the upsert solution
we dont have it yet.
@Kenny Bastani fyi, kafka producers can generate duplicate messages
dedupe during ingestion will make sure that the data is accurate
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@Pradeep Thanks for asking. I really appreciate you putting together these questions. šŸ‘
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