Is there any way to get a query plan from Pinot, s...
# general
Is there any way to get a query plan from Pinot, such as indexes used to pull data, or is this something that you can only really interpret from the query response stats on the Controller's query console?
Couldn't find anything searching by key words like "query plan" or "explain" on the docs, so I'm assuming no?
we removed explain, it was not very useful
stats were more useful
there is a trace feature
that will be dump a lot of details but its more for dev's
I'm working on a blog post that explains how to debug a query using the execution statistics. @Joey Pereira, are you wanting to optimize query performance (segments, indexes, etc)?
I’ll expedite work on that. We can help you for the meantime if you are looking to optimize a query. LMK
OOC, @Kenny Bastani were you going to touch on the details of specific execution statistics? Was just trying to understand them a bit when comparing two different table setups and found the public docs are pretty sparse on specifics.
My goal is to start with the high level interpretation of each stat and how it relates to the trade offs for indexing.