I see that 0.5.0 rc1 is pushed to docker. this is ...
# general
I see that 0.5.0 rc1 is pushed to docker. this is exciting. Is it also pushed to a stable maven repo?
👍 1
@Xiang Fu
rc2 was released last night, should be pushed to Docker soon.
ahah cool. PS I have a TODO I would like to undo before then 🙂
# TODO: 0.5.0-rc2 does not have parallel start: 21a372b2f58f9c6e27fe9710d6952ed519342061 FROM apachepinot/pinot:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-4c20bb567-20200902 as install
also unless I'm crazy I still need this log exclude...
# https://github.com/apache/incubator-pinot/pull/5001 logger.reflections.name=org.reflections logger.reflections.level=off
seems like it actually merged but..
I still get a mess of log warnings unless I put that off in there
Copy code
pinot                           | org.reflections.ReflectionsException: could not get type for name org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter
pinot                           | 	at org.reflections.ReflectionUtils.forName(ReflectionUtils.java:390) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.reflections.Reflections.expandSuperTypes(Reflections.java:381) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.reflections.Reflections.<init>(Reflections.java:126) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at io.swagger.jaxrs.config.BeanConfig.classes(BeanConfig.java:276) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at io.swagger.jaxrs.config.BeanConfig.scanAndRead(BeanConfig.java:240) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at io.swagger.jaxrs.config.BeanConfig.setScan(BeanConfig.java:221) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.service.PinotServiceManagerAdminApiApplication.setupSwagger(PinotServiceManagerAdminApiApplication.java:72) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.service.PinotServiceManagerAdminApiApplication.start(PinotServiceManagerAdminApiApplication.java:60) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.service.PinotServiceManager.start(PinotServiceManager.java:179) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.admin.command.StartServiceManagerCommand.startServiceManager(StartServiceManagerCommand.java:199) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.admin.command.StartServiceManagerCommand.startPinotService(StartServiceManagerCommand.java:286) [classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.admin.command.StartServiceManagerCommand.execute(StartServiceManagerCommand.java:165) [classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.admin.PinotAdministrator.execute(PinotAdministrator.java:150) [classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.apache.pinot.tools.admin.PinotAdministrator.main(PinotAdministrator.java:162) [classes/:?]
pinot                           | Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter
pinot                           | 	at jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
pinot                           | 	at jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
pinot                           | 	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
pinot                           | 	at org.reflections.ReflectionUtils.forName(ReflectionUtils.java:388) ~[classes/:?]
pinot                           | 	... 13 more
hmm, what’s the start command?
maybe we need to specify a log4j file somewhere
oops sorry I didn't realize the fix was logging config. I already hush this with logging config. I didn't read the PR carefully.
about this one?
# TODO: 0.5.0-rc2 does not have parallel start: 21a372b2f58f9c6e27fe9710d6952ed519342061 FROM apachepinot/pinot:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-4c20bb567-20200902 as install Adrian Cole
is plan for parallel start to include parallel start with SM? or was it intentionally left out. Regardless, there's some good logging in there
0.5.0-rc2 is branched out with commit about a month ago, so it may not have the commit