Hi all! I'm doing some prototyping with Pinot for ...
# general
Hi all! I'm doing some prototyping with Pinot for what seems like a perfect use-case (ingest Avro from Kafka into a single, large, table, and perform fast aggregation and filtering on it, for a rolling window of time). Just to get my feet wet, I've started trying to bootstrap the pinot-quickstart on Kubernetes via Docker Desktop. I've noticed that the
pod is constantly spamming warnings into the log, because there is no zookeeper running:
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2020/09/18 17:48:20.691 WARN [ClientCnxn] [Start a Pinot [BROKER]-SendThread(pinot-zookeeper.pinot-quickstart.svc.cluster.local:2181)] Session 0x0 for server null, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
You need to have zookeeper running for service discovery and cluster management
The doc doesn't reference that at all; I'm comfortable with ZK, because I've used it for other things in the past, so that should be OK, I just was confused that the docs don't mention it as part of the quickstart.
that should have started zookeeper
can you describe the kube
helm install will bring up a zookeeper automatically
can you try one thing:
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kubectl get all -n pinot
and see if zookeeper pod is up