I was hoping to use the BaseClusterIntegrationTest...
# general
I was hoping to use the BaseClusterIntegrationTest class in my test code, so I could run a local integration test against data a workflow is generating. But the pinot-integration-tests jar (0.6.0, at least) doesn’t contain this class, or actually any code…just the META-INF directory. Is that intentional?
I think this class is inside the test directory, so it's not packaged into the main jar, we may need to publish a test jar(which is not yet done) for that so it can be correctly imported .
Ok - curious what’s the point of the main pinot-integration-tests jar (it only has META-INF, no code)
Also is there documentation on what these tests assume is running? E.g. seems like ZK has to be up, same for controller and broker and server?
I think it’s just been published automatically with the maven release process
Actually ZK doesn’t have to be up, the problem was that my project includes dependencies on Hadoop, which pulls in a slightly newer version of ZK, and that created a method signature incompatibility.
you mean zk server lib? can we exclude zk dependency from pinot and use the newer version?
The newer version of ZK doesn’t implement the method with the same signature that Pinot is using. I think the solution is that the test jars created by Pinot should shade their dependencies, so that they can be used by software with dependencies on other versions of ZK.
Agreed. In this case, a shaded test jar should be published. Wewill add that support.
Do you want me to file an issue for that?
(I’ve also found some missing dependencies from the controller test jar and others)
yes, please. we can track those issues and update them