Is there any doc detailing comparison of Pinot wit...
# general
Is there any doc detailing comparison of Pinot with ElasticSearch somewhere?
@Yupeng Fu might have some insight
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Could you please highlight the major differences and insights
or point me to any doc?
Hi Matt - I should probably write up something, since we spent several months trying to get ES to work for our situation, and eventually bailing in favor of Pinot.
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at high-level ElasticSearch is good for search such as ranking or text search. Pinot is more efficient on storage and performant for analytical uses. At Uber, we are migrating the real-time analytical use cases from ElasticSearch to Pinot
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yeah, similarly, we have not published things yet, but will some time next year
@Ken Krugler Thanks that would be very useful for people coming from ES world
@Ken Krugler that is great to know. Would be awesome if you can blog about it.
@Yupeng Fu Pinot also have a Text Index which I tried as test and seems performing well. Still have to compare with ES though.
@Matt when I said text search, I meant to return the document snapshot in search context, in which ElasticSearch uses a document model whereas, Pinot builds the index on a text column for not document.

@Kishore G talks about inverted index @11:01
The video helped me!
@Yupeng Fu I am still trying with Pinot, I assume we can store a full document as a Json varchar column in Pinot. If I understand you correctly ES document model is different also I assume ES might have high cardinality.
yes. you can try that. fyi, there is a PR in the community to add the json indexing
Thanks @Yupeng Fu
I would love to hear comparisons on Pinot and elasticsearch and what made you choose Pinot. Currently evaluating both for user facing interactive reporting. Mostly simple filtering with some fuzzy text matching. Pinot has a lot going for it but enterprise support for elasticsearch is a bonus as we aren't a Java group so digging into Pinot would be quite an effort vs paid ES support