Hi team, I'm new to pinot and trying to get logs f...
# general
Hi team, I'm new to pinot and trying to get logs for troubleshooting using logz. I deployed pinot using k8s, want to make sure are the logs of different components exist in the according pods? like gc-pinot-broker.log and pinotBroker.log. What's the different? How to change the log levels? Is the log seen in kubectl logs same as seen inside the pod log file?
Hi Jinwei, there’s indeed three different level of logs. *
will contain Garbage Collection statistics. Pinot being memory intensive, it is useful to get insights on history of garbage collection. *
is configured with a
level on the root logger. *
kubectl logs
 will output the console appender which is configured on a
level for the root logger.
As for overriding these configuration, it would involve mounting a congfigmap volume to the container and defining the
helm value.
If you are not using the helm chart, but creating the pod yourself, you can use the
to define the path to your customized log4j2.xml file with the
JVM option.
Hi Daniel, thanks for your reply! Yes, I have helm file and trying to put the logs to logz. So does it mean I need to mounting a congfigmap volume to the container and defining the 
 helm value? Do we have some examples about this? Thx
What are you using to ship logs to logz?
Is there any docs about the logs?