Hi, is it possible to monitor Pinot DB metrics wit...
# general
Hi, is it possible to monitor Pinot DB metrics with Wavefront instead of Prometheus and Grafana? Are there any docs I can refer to? Thanks
All metrics are emitted via JMX. I am not familiar with wavefront... Does wavefront have a JMX exporter?
Hi Kishore, thanks for replying. I found something in Wavefront about JMX Integration.https://docs.wavefront.com/jmx.html#:~:text=Wavefront%20JMX%20integration%20uses%20Jolokia,and%20sends%20it%20to%20Wavefront. I thinks it might work. Just curious are there any way we can implement to achieve native integration using Dropwizard?
@Kishore G I'm wondering if it is possible to natively integrate with Wavefront by setting up DropwizardMetricsReporter. I found something here https://github.com/wavefrontHQ/wavefront-dropwizard-metrics-sdk-java
Can you please elaborate what you mean by native support
Yes, I mean the metrics can be directly ship to wavefront instead of using JMX. Because I saw from the pinot doc https://docs.pinot.apache.org/operators/operating-pinot/monitoring#:~:text=Pinot%20uses%20yammer%20MetricsRegistry%20to,to%20JMX%20using%20the%20JmxReporterMetricsRegistryRegistrationListener. But I don't have much idea about how to do this
That would make it hard for others to use Pinot.. JMX is standard method used to ship metrics over. Typically people write agents that are running along side Pinot that pull these JMX metrics and export it to their fav system
Check Prometheus node exporter
Check if there is something similar for wavefront