For refresh, you need to ensure that the names and...
# general
For refresh, you need to ensure that the names and number of segments generated and pushed each time of refresh matches the names and number of segments in Pinot.
Can i set segment names as tableName_seqId ? I guess i can overwrite all data with this way
Yes you can specify that
how can i specify?
Also i want to ask one more question; i put 100 segments for the first run with segment names tbl_0, tbl_1 and so on then i put 150 segments for the second run with segment names tbl_0, tbl_1 .. in that case, the first 100 segments will be overwritten, then last 50 segments will be added, right?
yes, the first 100 will be overwritten only
thank you much fixed doesn't work. i'm working with standalone job spec; java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported segment name generator type: fixed pinot version 0.6