Hi, I'm new to Pinot and have a possibly dumb ques...
# general
Hi, I'm new to Pinot and have a possibly dumb question - with so many features and horizontal scalability, when should one not use Pinot as a general relational database solution?
Pinot is optimized for performance, but is not a general relational database. For example, it doesn't provide transactions, or support for complex joins/nested queries.
Thanks. Do you have any links that talk about the limitations? I know that joins are not supported but presto is supposed to enable that.
Yes, we close those gaps with Presto
We don't have an exhaustive list of limitations but here are the major ones:
Copy code
1. Non transactional, eventually consistent
2. Does not support full SQL (used with Presto to fill that gap).
3. Not a source of truth
I see. Well, it sounds like it should pair well (to use wine terminology) with any other transactional database. Use the transactional DB for read-modify-write and use Pinot for reads so long as eventually consistent is acceptable.
Can it be paired with a no-sql DB like Mongo DB?
If you can leverage a CDC infrastructure to get your changeset to pinot, it does work nicely together
So the pattern there is to emit the changeset to a messaging system (eg Kafka) which Pinot can consume from
And since Pinot scales well for reads and write, it can be fed by different transactional sources from your system.
CDC = change data analysis?
Change Data Capture
Any recommended CDC architectures? debezium any good?
Yeah I have heard folks using that
Debezium is definitely the way to go !
Kenny has another blog coming up with Debezium and Pinot upserts which is even better