When doing upsert, can the table's time column be ...
# general
When doing upsert, can the table's time column be a string or does it have to be a long?
it has to be the time column of the table for now
so needs to be long
ah, so time column can't be a string? "format":"1MILLISECONDSSIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT:EE,dd MMM yyyy HHmmss.SSS"
yeah, it can be converted during ingestion
I can't use simple_data_format with LONG, though, correct? I believe I tried that and it wouldn't convert
I'd have to use a transformFunction, correct?
Currently we don't support SDF string as the upsert time values, but that is doable. Can you please submit a github issue for this?
For now, you have to use transform to convert the values to long